Delonix regia

Family- Fabaceae

Sub family: Caesalpiniodeae

Common name – Gulmohar/Royal Poinciana

This tree is a medium-sized deciduous tree that typically grows to about 10 meters in height. The bark is light brown, often creased at the branches, and features prominent lenticels (small pores). The leaves are bipinnately compound characterized by light, bright green color. Each leaf is long and consists of 20 to 40 pairs of primary leaflets (or pinnae), with each leaflet divided into 10–20 pairs of secondary leaflets (or pinnules).

The flowers of this tree are large, with four spreading scarlet or orange-red petals, and a fifth, slightly larger, upright petal called the standard, which is spotted with yellow and white. The pods are green and flaccid when young, turning dark brown and woody as they mature. The seeds are small.

This tree is commonly used as an ornamental plant due to its attractive appearance. It is also valued as a shade tree because it typically grows to a modest height and spreads widely, with its dense foliage providing ample shade. In regions with a marked dry season, the tree sheds its leaves during drought, but in other areas, it remains virtually evergreen.

In traditional medicine, the tree is used for its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and wound-healing properties. The seeds contain oil that can be used in the production of soaps, shampoos, and detergents, adding an industrial application to its many uses.