Morinda citrifolia

Morinda citrifolia

Family: Rubiaceae

Common name: Noni

Morinda citrifolia is a shrub or small tree having a grey-brown bark. The twigs are fleshy. The leaves are large glabrous, opposite and ovate in shape. The inflorescences are dense heads produced at the apex of the branch and leaf-opposed, replacing one leaf in the pair up to 90–100 flowers in the head, but only a few open at a time. The flowers are white and tubular with five lobes. The fruit is a multiple fruit consisting of fused drupe each containing four seeds.

All parts of the plants are used as medicine. The juice of the fruit is rich in potassium and also contains vitamin C and A. The root of the plant is used as a dye. Studies have shown that this fruit has antibiotic and antioxidant properties in vitro.